mazda recall spiders

Written By Katrin on Saturday, March 5, 2011 | 1:53 AM

Japanese car maker Mazda is recalling more than 50,000 Mazda6 cars in US after finding spider web in the vents. The Mazda recall also affects another 15,000 vehicle in Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
'A certain type of spider may weave a web in the evaporative canister vent line and this may cause a restriction in the line,' it said in a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

For some strange reason, yellow sac spiders have infested themselves into the engines of 50,000 Mazda6 Sedans.

Mazda said it was unaware of any fires, injuries or crashes in the vehicles.
Jeremy Barnes, a Mazda spokesperson, said that dealers had identified 20 cases where the spider webs were found in the vehicle vents. Webs found were linked to yellow sac spiders, Barnes said. ”Perhaps yellow sac spiders like to go zoom-zoom?” Barnes joked.
Dealers will inspect and clean up the vent line and install a spring to prevent a spider from entering the vent line.”

In Friday's terrifying news story of the day, a tiny spider's web might crack apart your car engine and start a fire. The news has forced Mazda to recall 65,000 cars in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The spider is the yellow sac spider. Mazda dealers reported 20 cases of webs being found in a vent connected to the fuel tank system. The Associated Press reports:
"Mazda spokesman Jeremy Barnes said dealers had identified 20 cases in which spider webs were found in the vents. So Mazda has no idea why this spider likes its cars.